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 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of antibacterial copper-thiosemicarbazone complexes conjugated-cellulose fibers synthesis. After selectively oxidizing the hydroxymethylgroups (-CH2OH) of cellulose, functionalized cellulose fibers were successfully prepared through the newly formed amide bonds between oxidized cellulose andcopper complexes CT1–4.
 Fig. 2. Characterization of oxidized cellulose fibers. A) SEM images of the microscopic structures of oxidized cellulose fibers. The fibers were oxidized by TEMPO/ NaBr/NaClO system (NaClO: 0–2 mM).
 Fig. 3. Illustration of the modification process of PAN fibers Illustration of the modification process of PAN fibers
 Fig. 4. Grafting method and change in the chemical structure of PAN fibers.
 Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of the external surface of: (a) original PAN fibers; (b) hydrolyzed PAN fibers; and (c) grafted DY6–PAN fibers. |